Intimate partner violence education for medical students in the USA, Vietnam and China
Objectives: While intimate partner violence (IPV) is a global concern for women's health,
there are few comparative studies of IPV training in medical schools. The aim of this study
was to investigate medical students' knowledge of, and training in, IPV in the USA, Vietnam
and China.
Study design: Cross-national, cross-sectional study.
Methods: US (n ¼ 60), Vietnamese (n ¼ 232) and Chinese (n ¼ 174) medical students
participated in a cross-sectional self-administered survey that included demographic
characteristics; opinions, training and knowledge regarding IPV against women; and personal
experience with IPV victims.
Results: Attitudes, knowledge and training about IPV among medical students varied between
the three countries. US participants reported higher levels of knowledge of IPV, were
more likely to believe that IPV was a serious problem, and were more likely to consider IPV
to be a healthcare problem compared with Vietnamese and Chinese participants. Chinese
participants, in particular, did not appear to appreciate the importance of addressing IPV.
Differences were found between the Vietnamese and Chinese students.
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